How to view the hard disk capacity of Win8.1 system?


When we buy a computer, we must understand the hard disk capacity of this computer, because the larger the hard disk capacity, the faster the system will run. Then, under Win8.1 system, how to check the capacity of the hard disk in the computer? I believe many users are still not clear, the following small series for everyone to introduce the Win8.1 system to view the hard disk capacity.

Operation steps:

First we need to find the "this computer" icon, click on the icon after it is found, and then it will enter the image panel, at the top of this panel There is a "management" button that we choose for this button.

Next will be entered into the computer management panel, there will be a & ldquo beneath the storage panel; disk management & rdquo; function, we select the function.

then will enter the disk management control panel in the lower left corner of this panel we can see how much hard drive capacity is up.

These are the small series to see the hard disk capacity of the system introduced for everyone Win8.1 method. I still don't know how to view the hard disk capacity of the Win8.1 system. Try the above steps to try it out.

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