How to restore Win8.1 Update to start the screen Modern toolbar?


In the new update system, Win8.1 update shows users a lot of new features. Adding the right-click menu function on the start screen, managing the modern application/desktop program is one of the new features. Many users feel very bad. I am used to feeling that this function loses the original Modern style, so I want to restore the original modern toolbar, so what should I do? The following small series for everyone to introduce Win8.1 Update to restore the start of the screen Modern toolbar.

The new right-management function menu

In fact, just a spacebar, you can restore the Modern toolbar (APP Bar) under Windows 8.1 start screen.

The operation is as follows:

Enter the new version of Win8.1 Update screen, press “Spacebar”, you can call out the Modern toolbar, support named groups, multi-select management operations, etc. Features.

These are the small series Modern methods start screen toolbar introduce Win8.1 Update recovery. I still don't know how to restore Win8.1 Update to start the user of the Modern toolbar. Try the above steps to try it out.

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