The Microsoft Tellme team spoke once again about its voice technology development pla
Technology website CNET reports, WinRumors website revealed on Wednesday that Microso
The US IT website eWeek today wrote an article that lists the top ten reasons for Mic
The news of adding an app store in Windows 8 has been around for almost a year, but M
According to the PCBeta website, the latest version of Windows 8 is Build 6.2.8064.0.
In addition to drawing on the Ribbon UI of Office 2007, Windows 8 will integrate more
In Windows 7, if a user deletes a file, the system will pop up the Delete Files dialo
Windows Explorer is one of the most basic services of the Windows desktop. Windows 8
Microsoft apparently did not hold the secret of Windows 8, in a video of the marketin
The Microsoft Windows 7 operating system is the first Windows operating system to nat
on TechEd Yesterday, Microsoft showed a lot of new Windows devices at the TechEd con
After releasing the second official video of Windows 8 yesterday, which is support fo
According to foreign media reports, according to the WinRumors website, Microsoft wil
Microsoft is about to launch the Windows 8 operating system in 2012, and has made it
With the approach of Microsofts BUILD conference, more features of Windows 8 have bee
As early as Windows 8 development, there was news that Microsoft would adopt a new an
Steven Sinofsky, president of Microsoft Windows/Windows Live, wrote an article on the
According to foreign media reports, at the Microsoft Developers Conference next Tuesd
Since Microsoft announced that it will add the Ribbon interface to the Windows 8 syst
Microsoft today announced on the Windows 8 official blog that the Hyper-V feature pre
Microsoft is about to introduce Windows 8 at the BUILD conference next week. Lets not
TechCunch published an article today, Microsoft is likely to further link Windows Pho
Microsoft has begun to leak the details of the upcoming Windows 8 operating system. W
Microsofts Windows 8 version of the secret mechanism is undoubtedly the best, and the
Foreign media reports that Microsoft Windows Media Center components for HTPC applian
Steven Sinodot, director of Microsofts Windows business unit, said in a blog post tod
For Windows 8 features and interfaces, Microsoft has begun to show you gradually, but
Windows 8 is still in beta, and bugs are normal, but there seems to be a problem with
Windows 8 developer preview version has been released, I believe everyone has begun t
Although Microsoft demonstrated Windows 8 at the BUILD conference, there are many new
At the Windows Build conference in Anaheim, California, Microsoft demonstrated its Wi
Windows 8 is based on Windows 7, and Microsoft has improved its performance, security
Microsoft demonstrated many of the features of Windows 8 at the BUILD conference, man
There are strange things every year, especially today! In addition to the problem of
This morning, Microsoft demonstrated Windows 8 at the BUILD conference. Steven Sinofs
The Windows 8 developer version is available for download, and Microsoft has taken an
Today, Microsoft officially showed Windows 8 tablets to developers. Here is the first
At this weeks BUILD conference, Microsoft will provide a preview version of the devel
Windows 8+VS Development Tutorial SemanticZoom Zoom View
How to change the default installation location of Win8 store application
How to solve the blue screen problem when Win8 opens the agent software
Win8 tips: automatic login, sub-account, guest
Win8 system requirements for computer configuration
How to uninstall installed programs in Windows 8
Win8 default input method setting diagram
How to get the Win8 Developer License
Win8 open app store display does not connect to the Internet how to do
Using VHD/VHDX to install the free version of Win8.1
What you should know about Windows 8 security features
How to solve the garbled file of U disk file in Win8.1 system?
Retrieve Windows 8 Start Menu Start8 New Release
Solve Windows8 system can not identify anti-virus software
Windows XP optimized superb 10 strokes
New in Windows 10 Build 14328: Familiar new input method status bar
Remove the Windows XP system login dialog
Enable free firewall in Windows XP
How to urgently recover damaged Windows system
Linux system Raiders: how to make quotas for added hard drives
In the Windows 7 QQ concept version of the nine new features introduced
Let Win 8 automatically shut down and cancel automatic shutdown