The following are answers to some common questions about codecs.
What is a codec?
codec used to compress or decompress the media files, such as songs or videos. Windows Media Player and other applications use codecs to play and create media files.
codec typically consists of two parts: used to compress media files (i.e., coding) encoder, and means for extracting files (i.e., decoded) decoder. Some codecs include both parts, and some codecs only include one part.
you can get the DVD encoder by upgrading to WindowsMediaCenter package, or you can install third-party DVD playback software. Which codec
WindowsMediaPlayer included with?
there are a large number of audio codecs and video codecs in use. Windows and Windows Media Player include some of the most commonly used codecs, such as WindowsMediaAudio, WindowsMediaVideo, and MP3. If the content to be played is compressed using a codec not included in Windows or Windows Media Player, you can download the required codec from the Internet.
WindowsMediaPlayer in which codecs are not included? How can I play my content?
WindowsMediaPlayer The following are not included in some of the most commonly used codecs: 1.
desired Blu-ray Disc codec. Blu-ray is a patented technology, so the codecs needed to play Blu-ray discs cannot be included in Windows. You can search online for apps that play Blu-ray Disc.
2. Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC). Windows Media Player cannot play free lossless audio codec files, but you can search for suitable applications online to convert these files to types that can be played using Windows Media Player.
3.Flash video (FLV) files needed codec. Windows Media Player does not ship with a codec for playing Flash video files.
In some 3GP files can not play the audio, you need to install new codecs. How
know which codecs are installed on my computer?
Here's how to view all codecs on your computer:
open WindowsMediaPlayer:
1. Swipe from the right edge of the screen to the middle, then click on "Search ". (If using a mouse, point to the upper-right corner of the screen, then move the pointer down, and then click "Search".)
2. In the search box WindowsMediaPlayer, click or click the "Apply", then Click or click "WindowsMediaPlayer".
3. In the "Help" menu, click or click "About WindowsMediaPlayer". If you don't see the Help menu, tap or click Organize, then tap or click Layout, and then select Show Menu Bar.
4. In the "About WindowsMediaPlayer" dialog box, click or click on "Technical Support Information."
Web browser will open a page that contains the relevant binaries related to your computer to install the codec, a lot of information filters, plug-ins and services. If you have problems playing media, you may be able to use these details to help resolve the issue. How to get
If you know the name or ID codec (for video codec called FourCC identifier for audio codecs called WaveFormat identifier), try searching on the Internet. You can also try to access the codec manufacturer's website to download the latest version.
I installed a codec. Why can't I play a file?
installed on your system applicable codec is very important because the codec may be for 32-bit or 64-bit operating system written. If you are running a 64-bit version of Windows, you will need to install a 64-bit codec.
many older codecs only 32-bit versions. If the codec does not indicate whether it is 32-bit or 64-bit, it is most likely a 32-bit codec.
by the following methods can judge you are running Windows 32-bit or 64-bit version.
1. Swipe from the right edge of the screen to the middle, then click "Search."
(if using a mouse, point to the upper-right corner of the screen, then move the pointer down, and then click "Search".)
2. In the search box type "computer."
3. sideways swipe or right-click "Computer", and then click or click "Properties."
If "System type" listed next to the "64-bit Operating System", then you are running a 64-bit version of Windows ..
If "System type" listed next to the "32-bit Operating System", then you are running a 32-bit version of Windows ..