Measured Win8/Win7 boot, connect WiFi, uninstall U disk speed

Boot speed has been a hot spot for many people, good boot speed can partially reflect the health of your computer, of course, different system comparison can also reflect the system How to optimize the performance, if the gap is a few seconds, tens of seconds but only directly affects people's mood! Occasionally I saw a PCbeta forum to do a simple test on the Win8 system and Win7 system boot, connect WiFi, U disk uninstall these several time parameters, although the test is not authoritative, not strict but this data is the most realistic, the most able to reflect Win8 The advantages.

many people are Tucao Win8 faster than Win7, of course, many reasons are more compelling, such as aero, such as Win8 is a new system, when Win7 install a lot of software. Here are some test data.

power: new system is the same, without any software installed, the system immediately restart Bahrain,

Win7 tested twice: the first boot 47 seconds, the second boot 31 seconds

Win8: the first boot 26 seconds, 22 seconds a second power connected to the

WiFi: same computer, the same router, test 10

win7: 3 ~ 5 seconds

Win8: 1 seconds

U disk unloading, through the read, write, delete, etc. after. Test 10 times

Win7: 2 ~ 7 seconds

Win8: 0.X seconds

In addition to speed, Win7 can not uninstall the situation appears, Win8 no problem.
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