Play Windows 8 between applause (2)

        Windows key + F: Open "File Search" application

Windows key + Tab: Cycle through applications

Windows key + Shift + Tab: reverse-cycle switching applications

Windows key + Ctrl + Tab: cycle through applications when switching manually select the application

Windows key + Z: open the "app bar"

Windows key + /: to restore the default input method
< BR> Windows key + J: operation before displaying applications

Windows key + X: shortcut menu

follow the shortcut Windows7:

Windows key: display or hide the start menu

Windows key + ←: maximize the window to the left of the screen (with the Metro application-independent)

Windows key + →: maximize the window on the right side of the screen (with the Metro application-independent)

Windows key + ↑: maximize the window (regardless of the Metro application)

Windows key + ↓: Minimizes the window (regardless of the Metro application)

Windows Key + SHIFT + ↑: vertical stretch window, width Change (regardless of the Metro application)

Windows key + SHIFT + ↓: vertical narrow window, the same width (regardless of the Metro application)

Windows key + SHIFT + ←: the active window to the left side of the display (application independent of Metro)

the windows key + SHIFT + →: the active display window to the right (regardless of Metro application)

the windows key + P: demo set

Windows key + Home: minimize all windows, and the second keystroke recovery window (not recovery Metro application)

Windows key + number keys: open or switch program taskbar specified location

Windows key + Shift + number keys: open a new instance of the taskbar specify the location of the program

Windows key + B: move the cursor to the notification area

Windows key + Break: display " system properties "dialog

Windows key + D: show Desktop, second keystrokes to restore the desktop (without Metro recovery applications)

Windows key + E: open my computer

Windows key + Ctrl + F: Computer cable (if you are on a network)

the Windows Key + G: Cycle Sidebar gadget

the Windows Key + L: locking computer or switch user

Windows key + M: minimize all windows

Windows key + Shift + M: restore all minimized windows on the desktop (without Metro recovery applications)

Windows key + R: open the "run" dialog

Windows key + T: program

Windows key to switch on the task bar + Alt + Enter: open Windows media Center

Windows key + U: open the easy access Center

Windows key + F1: open the Windows help and support

Windows key + N: plug-in new notes (OneNote)

Windows key + S: open the screen capture tool ( OneNote)

Windows key + Q: open Lync, Windows8 search function to remove the shortcut

Windows key + a: Accept all calls (Lync)

Windows key +X: Reject incoming calls (Lync), if Windows Mobile Center exists, Shortcuts do not work

Windows Key + Minus: reduction (magnifying glass)

Windows key + Plus: amplifying (magnifying glass) the Esc key +

Windows: Close magnifier
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