Quickly retrieve Windows system tray volume speakers

        When the system tray does not display the small speaker and the local connection icon, the “Safely Remove Hardware” icon is often also disappeared. The common method is to enter the control panel to set the volume and the audio and sound device in the property window. After the icon is placed in the taskbar, the small speaker and the local connection icon appear, but sometimes after shutting down or restarting, enter the system again, the small speaker and the local connection icon may disappear, and need to be repeated. Set this up. To this end, the author thinks of such a solution: first check whether the corresponding task bar icon is enabled in the corresponding software or settings, then enter regedit.exe in the "Start → Run" menu, open the registry editor, and then locate Go to the registry "HKEY_LOCAL_MacHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run" and create a new string named "systray" in the right window and change its value to "C:\\Windows\\system32\\systray.exe" ", it will take effect after restarting the computer.
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