Detailed introduction of the TrustedInstaller.exe process under win8 system


TrustedInstaller. Therefore, 100% CPU usage will occur when the system is just installed and the system is automatically updated. At this time, the installation service is running. There is no good way to do this. It is best to wait for the TrustedInstaller.exe process to complete its task and then resume normal.
How does the TrustedInstaller.exe process take up the CPU?
Method 1. Start with automatic updates. Change the Windows update settings and select three other options besides "Automatic Update (Recommended)".
Method 2, pointing to the old nest, change the Windows Module Installer service.
1. Disable the Windows Module Installer service from starting with Windows:
Location: Win+R-"Enter MSConfig-"Services-"Cancel the selection in front of "Windows Module Installer".
2, directly change it to manual start:
Location: Control Panel - "System and Maintenance - "Administrative Tools -" service.

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