How to partition the win8 system hard disk

Today, Xiaobian has compiled a picture and text for everyone to bring the win8 system hard disk partition graphic tutorial. Before the win8 hard disk partition operation, you must plan several sub-areas, which will distinguish how much space, otherwise it will take a detour. DETAILED
win8 operating system partition of the hard disk as follows: the compression coil
Objective: to reduce the hard disk into the disk management

2. Select Disk Management compressed volume It is to reduce the volume of space, here for the D drive, for example, right-click, and then point the compressed volume [];

compressed volume
3. enter the amount of space compression, and then compressed. Total size minus the amount of compression before compressed in the compression space equal volume of space to be reserved, 1GB = 1024MB;

compression space
4. compressed to form a roll after completion unassigned, right , then point [New simple volume];

New simple volume
5. next step;
6. enter simple volume size, the next step.

New Simple Volume
7. assigned a drive letter;

New Simple Volume
8. format;

9. Create New Simple Volume volume completion;

expansion Objective: increase the hard disk space
1. delete volume. The first (physical order) volume after the volume to be expanded must be deleted in order to expand the volume. Here to extend the F drive, for example, right-click on the H drive, and then point [Delete Volume];

before deleting the volume
2. deleted, be sure to enter all of the files on the Volume Explorer will be deleted move to other non-system volume, otherwise it will lose volume to form an unassigned after

delete volume
3. to delete, right-click the F premarket volume unassigned, and then point to extend the volume []!;

4. volume expansion to the next step;

5. The amount of space input selection, the next step. Selection of an amount equal to the ready to expand the volume (F) increasing the amount of space;

expansion volume expansion volume
6. completed;

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