Win8 system input method setting method


Win8 input method setting is different from the previous system, which makes some people very uncomfortable, they do not even know where the Win8 input method is set, how to set Win8 input method . In fact, the Win8 input method setting method is very simple, let's take a look at it.

Win8 input settings

1, where the control panel

- Click below Language & ldquo - Clock, regional and language; add language & rdquo ;;

2 In the "pinyin Y", find "English" (English system can directly find the English language initials), double-click to open;

3, select the specific language area in the open window, such as this article "English (United States)", complete the addition;

4, back to the language settings interface, click to select "Chinese (People's Republic of China) & rdquo; then click & ldquo; move down & rdquo;; Br>

5, at this time you can find the "Delete" button is activated, click to delete.

6, after deletion, will only retain the English input method:

7, restore to the state before the deletion, add the Chinese input method, select “ advanced settings & rdquo;;

8, then in the following "Change the language bar hotkeys" in the common shortcut keys can be set;

9, select "between the input language" & rdquo; click & ldquo ; Change the key sequence & rdquo;;

10, change it to “ Ctrl + Shift & rdquo; you can use the classic way to switch after saving. Previous1234Next page Total 4 pages

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