Win8 right "this computer" management prompts the solution to find the file


From XP system to Win10 system, my computer has been changing, XP my computer, Win7 computer, Win8 this computer, the name has changed, but the actual function has not changed. Computer management As a function that everyone often uses, we can usually right click on “this computer” to open it. However, some users have encountered the prompt that Windows cannot find the file when opening the management. This problem is mostly due to There is an error in the "Computer Management" path in the registry, we can solve the problem as follows.


1, using Win + R shortcut key combination open & ldquo; run & rdquo; dialog box, type a command registry regedit, and then open the registry editor can be determined device;

2, after opening the registry, expand: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \\ CLSID \\ {20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D} \\ shell \\ Manage \\ command;

3, then double-click on the right side of the "default", open and then enter ”%windir%\\system32\\mmc.exe /s %windir%\\system32\\compmgmt.msc“, click “ OK & rdquo;. After

setup is complete, exit the Registry, then the problem has been resolved, then right-click on the & ldquo; this computer & rdquo; & mdash; & mdash; & ldquo; & rdquo ;, management can be properly opened.

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