How to encrypt and hide folders in Win8.1


How do the folders in the win8.1 system be encrypted? The privacy of computer files has always been a concern of many users, especially commercial secrets and personal privacy. Therefore, encrypting files is a must for many friends. Next, Xiaobian teaches you how to use third-party software in Win8.1. The folder is hidden in the system. Methods

Win8.1 folder encryption and hidden:

1, a new text file, random location, enter the following:



title Folder Private

if EXIST “HTG Locker>goto UNLOCK

if NOT EXIST Private goto MDLOCKER


echo Are you sure you want to encrypt the hidden Private folder? (Y/N)

set/p “cho=””

if %cho%==Y goto LOCK

if %cho%==y goto LOCK

if %cho%==n goto END

if %cho%==N goto END

echo Invalid choice.

goto CONFIRM< Br>


ren Private “HTG Locker”

attrib +h +s “HTG Locker”

echo Folder locked

goto End


echo Enter a password to unlock the folder

set/p “pass=””

if NOT %pass %== Set the password here goto FAIL

attrib -h -s “HTG Locker”

ren “HTG Locker” Private

echo Folder Unlocked successfully

goto End


echo Invalid password

goto end


md Private

echo Private created successfully

goto End

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