Win8.1 recovery method of disabled virtual WiFi adapter


There is a user who uses Win8.1 set up virtual WiFi, after a period of use, it is disabled, but also leads to virtual WiFi adapter in the network adapter The list disappears, so how can I restore it?

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1. Close ssid: command prompt first (Administrator) Enter netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=disallow ssid.

2. Set the wireless name and link password again: netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=mywifi key=12345678

3.Enter netsh wlan start hostednetwork, generally still “ display cannot start Hosting the network. . . . ”

4. Next in the Control Panel & mdash; & mdash; System and Security & mdash; & mdash; Device Manager, find the virtual bearer network in the network adapter, right click and select Enable [ps: In the case of win8, this step is the key. The virtual network card that is not enabled seems to be called “Microsoft Kernel Debugging Adapter”. . It won't show the red cross, just a very inconspicuous arrow, so be sure to pay attention. Don't think it's a big red fork!]

5. After typing, type netsh wlan start hostednetwork in the command indicator (administrator).

6.“Change Adapter Settings”The virtual network card will appear again.

The problem is solved here. If you feel that the operation is troublesome, you can not disable the virtual WiFi hotspot or use a third-party tool to operate.

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