How to repair/delete the Metro Necrotic application via PowerShell


When a user uses Windows 8, I find that the Sina Weibo application is somehow. After opening, the store can't be deleted. If you want to reinstall it, the whole is a necrosis. application. At this point we can repair/delete the necrotic application in Metro via PowerShell.

The solution is as follows:

1. Start screen: All programs, find Windows PowerShell open.

2, typing Get-AppxPackage carriage which returns all (current user?!) Metro installed package information.

3, find the application you want to uninstall the Metro, such as Sina Weibo:

Name: sina.51561FF0E3531

Publisher: CN = 3B1B7377-362C -4E39-A7C0-F96FAA466AC7

Architecture : Neutral

ResourceId :

Version :

PackageFullName : sina.51561FF0E3531_1.0.2.19_neutral__zgahqmgng3xt6< Br>

InstallLocation : C:\\Program Files\\WindowsApps\\sina.51561FF0E3531_1.0.2.19_neutral__zgahqmgng3xt6

IsFramework : False

PackageFamilyName : sina.51561FF0E3531_zgahqmgng3xt6

PublisherId : Zgahqmgng3xt6

Make a note of the PackageFullName item above in the console, which is the bottom:

PS C:\\Users\\username>

Type:Remove-AppxPackage <PackageFullName>

you want to uninstall. For example, my Sina Weibo is like this:

Remove-AppxPackage sina.51561FF0E3531_1.0.2.19_neutral__zgahqmgng3xt6

Prompt for deployment If you have a return error, then it will be fine. Go back to the app store to install the app and you're done.


The PackageFullName item that is connected after Remove-AppxPackage is case-sensitive, and some of the underscores are connected to two instead of one, so it is best to use Ctrl +C copy, right click directly to avoid errors. (If the error occurs, it is generally an input error)

After completing the above operation, your problem is basically solved. If the application is not found in the start interface, it is generally a cache problem that can be directly searched for the application. In addition, this method is also applicable to the problem that the application is deleted in the Windows app folder, resulting in the inability to reinstall.

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