The original data does not disappear when making Win8.1 installation U disk.


Many users will format the U disk when making Win8.1 U disk, but for 32g and other large capacity U disk It is really unnecessary. The following small series teaches you how to retain the original data of the U disk when making the U disk.

concrete steps are as follows:

1, download and install the Windows 7 USB DVD Download tool tool;

2, open Notepad, create a new blank document, type the following Content:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

//Disable Windows 7 USB DVD Download tool U disk formatting function

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\ISO Backup Tool]



< Br>

Reminder: If you need to keep the U disk data, just change the last bit to 1; when burning the disk, you only need to change the mantissa to 0.

3, save the above blank document, as "disable Windows 7 USB DVD Download tool U disk format.reg"; registry file, pay attention to the document txt suffix name changed to reg format;

4, run the import of the registry file;
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