Win8 How to Customize the File Manager Navigation Pane


The navigation pane on the left side of the Win8 File Explorer shows Win8 system tools such as computers, networks, libraries, and home groups for quick user selection. Users can navigate the content pane Win8 casual cut as needed, how does it work

Win8 Custom Explorer left navigation pane:?

Shortcuts Win+R – Enter regedit:

Delete"network” project


Attributes key value b0040064 Modify b0940064

Delete “family group"project


Attributes key value b084010c modify b094010c

Need to get permission: Right click on ShellFolder and select from the menu: Permissions - Advanced - Owner - Change - Enter Account - Check - OK - Return Permission - Add - Enter Username - OK - Full Control - OK

Delete “Library Project


Attributes key-value b080010d Modify b090010d

Delete“ Collection Folder


Attributes key value a0900100 Modify a9400100



In the right pane, right-click New-Dword 32-bit, name it Attributes, and the value data is b094010c

Description: Desktop computer icons are also hidden

Non-LAN users will feel that the Win8 navigation pane has excess functionality, because the home group, the network can be ignored, and the user has a simple interface. If you don't want to modify the registry, you can use an easy way to hide certain files in the Win8 File Explorer navigation pane.

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