1. Xiaobian Here is a docx file as an example, hiding it under the picture of our win8 system. First of all, we need to return to the traditional desktop location of the win8 system. After that, we can press the win+X on the keyboard to open the shortcut menu of the computer. In the shortcut menu that opens, we click to select the command prompt (administrator). .
2. In the open command prompt window, we enter copy /bd:fileimg0.jpg +d:fileWin8.docx d:fileimg0.jpg//Copy the Win8.docx file that needs to be hidden to img0. In the jpg picture, after we click Enter.
3. Next, we will prompt to copy a file, indicating that the hidden file is successful, and then you can delete the original Win8.docx document, and at this time, our file will be in the form of a picture. Appeared.
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