1. First, we need to return to the traditional desktop location of win8 computer. After that, we can press the win+R shortcut key on win8 computer keyboard to open the computer. Run window, in the open run window, we type regedit and click Enter, so you can open the registry editor window of win8 computer.
2. In the open registry editor window, click on the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsNTCurrentVersionNetworkListSignaturesUnmanaged in the left menu.
3. After that, we can see a lot of sub-projects in this Unmanaged, where you can view the corresponding network connection, and then delete the corresponding items of the network connection that does not exist. Be careful not to delete the available network items, so it is best to back up the registry before the operation.
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