What is holographic Win10? Hololens holographic win10 custom version features


Holographic technology and vr technology are now popular, recently there is news that Microsoft is developing Hololens holographic glasses, which is also customized for win10, holographic Win10? Please refer to the Hololens holographic win10 custom version below.

What is a holographic Win10? Hololens holographic win10 custom version features

The most exciting product Microsoft is developing is Hololens. This holographic eyeglass (of course, virtual reality) can achieve real interaction, compared to the current Oculus, HTC. Vive is more dreamy.

Hololens is also equipped with a customized version of the Windows 10 operating system. Recently, in the official demo of the Hololens special edition of Actiongram (an app for creating holographic videos), Hololens's start menu and built-in application exposure.

The Hololens start menu still uses a tile design, which allows you to click and slide interactive commands with your finger.

Video display, you can fix the dynamic tile in the center, Cortana on the top, and the shortcut keys for photos and videos on the bottom. Click the “+” button on the right side of the start menu. turn on.

Windows 10Hololens holographic glasses video address: http: //v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTQ4MDYzOTM4NA==.html

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