Dos formatting command format command using method tips

        What is the dos formatting command? How to format quickly under dos? Many friends who just entered the dos do not know how to format quickly under the dos, the following small series for everyone to analyze the dos formatting command format command using method skills. The format command under Dos is used for formatting. FORMAT A: or c:, d: and so on, you can add some parameters later. For example, FORMAT A: /S This is a format and append system. That is to make a simple boot disk. If you format the hard disk (pre-installation of the system), you can use FORMAT C: /S /Q. Among them, /S is an additional system, /Q is a quick format. There are a lot of specific parameters behind. The FORMAT /? command allows all command parameters to be displayed. Format the hardening method directly in DOS: At the command prompt C:> enter the command: format c:/parameters/fs: disk format. Give two examples of xpghost you will: 1. Format the C drive to FAT32 format: C:> Format C:/fs:fat32 2. Quickly format the D drive to NTFS format: C:>Format d:/q/fs: NTFS
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