Summary Win8 Consumer Preview Shutdown Method


Win8 shut down some methods, see if you like that one
Win8 shutdown method one: Win + R run "shtdown.exe -s -t 00” command. Win8 shutdown 2: This method is the same as method four, with the "shutdown.exe -s -t 00” command, but the shutdown shortcut button is created on the desktop. Win8 Shutdown 3: <;Win + i” Shortcut or use the mouse to slide to the bottom right/top right corner of the desktop to bring up the Charm menu toolbar. Click “Power” to see the Sleep, Shutdown, and Restart options. Use the Metro interface and traditional desktop. Win8 Shutdown 4: Shortcuts <; Alt + F4”, call up to close the Windows window, suitable for traditional desktop. In the Metro interface, “Alt + F4” is reflected in the "Close Metro Application" function. Win8 shutdown five, shortcut key "Ctrl + Alt + Del & rdquo;, shutdown option in the lower right corner of the desktop.

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