FileZilla is an open source FTP server written in C++. By analyzing its source code, you can master C++ network programming and high concurrent server design. Today Xiaobian will lead everyone to learn the source code analysis of FileZillaFTP server. Many netizens may say that this is what programmers should know. Actually, if you understand it, there is no harm to you, maybe you can use it one day. What do you say?
After downloading, install and select the source, which installs the source code.
After the installation is complete, you can directly open the FileZilla server.sln that comes with the project. This is the vs project, which has three projects,
FZS Interface: This is the FTP server settings. And monitoring interface
Service: This is the core FTP server part
GFtp: Can't open, I don't know what to do, foreigners will be so sloppy? :)
Direct compilation is wrong, mainly FileZilla needs to rely on two third-party packages: zlib (compression algorithm package) and regexp (regular expression package)
Get zlib first, download, unpack, generate directory zlib123 ,use. Net 2003 open zlib123\\projects\\visualc6\\zlib.dsw
Open Generate|
Configuration Manager, set the active solution configuration: DLL Release, compile and generate project zlib, after successful, will generate zlib1.lib and zlib1.dll in the directory Win32_DLL_Release
Then, regexp uses boost third party package There are many common C++ components inside.
After downloading and unpacking, under cmd,
Step 1: You need to compile bjm, this is the compiler for compiling boost, halo
cd boost_1_33_1\\tools\\ Build\\jam_src
In the current bin.ntx86 directory, the bjam.exe file is generated.
Step 2: Compile boost
cd boost_1_33_1
Copy bjam.exe just generated
set VC7_ROOT="C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2003\\Vc7"
bjam "-sTOOLS=vc7" install
This step takes a long time, when we only use the regexp package inside, it should I can only compile this package, but I have not studied it. Previous12Next page Total 2 pages
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