Can the Internet protocol be reset? Win 2003 system method list


Network communication has a communication protocol, generally we are called the internet protocol, these protocols can help you unimpeded in the network, but if you have other needs, change the protocol is also possible. If you click the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) entry in the "Local Connections" property of this connection using the following items list, you will find that the Uninstall button is unavailable (disabled). This is because the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) stack is a core component of Microsoft Windows Server 2003 and cannot be removed.

In some cases, you may need to reinstall TCP/IP to return the TCP/IP stack to its original state. You can use the NetShell utility to reset the TCP/IP stack to the state it was in when the operating system was first installed.

The NetShell utility (netsh) is a command-line scripting tool that you can use to configure and monitor Windows Server 2003 networking. This tool provides an interactive network shell interface.

You can override the following TCP/IP-related registry entries using the reset command in the Internet Protocol (IP) context of the utility:

SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Tcpip\\ Parameters\\


The result of running this command has the same effect as deleting and reinstalling the TCP/IP protocol.

Command Syntax

netsh int ip reset [log_file_name]

To reset the TCP/IP stack using the netsh command, you must specify the name of the log file that records the results of the command. If you enter any of the commands described in the "Examples of Commands" section of this article, the TCP/IP stack in the current computer will be reset and the activity for this xx will be logged to the Resetlog.txt specified on the command line. file. In the first example, the log file is created in the current folder; in the second example, the full path to the Resetlog.txt log file is specified.

Note: If the name of the file is the same as the name of an existing log file in the destination folder, the information for the new log file is appended to the end of the existing file.

Command Examples

The following example shows how to reset the TCP/IP protocol stack using the netsh command.

Example 1

Click Start, then click Run.

Type cmd in the Open box and click OK.

Type the following at the command prompt, and then press ENTER:

netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt

Note: In the above command, “int&rdquo ; is an abbreviation of the interface command.

Type exit and press ENTER.

Example 2

Click Start, then click Run.

Type cmd in the Open box and click OK.

Type the following at the command prompt, and then press ENTER:

netsh int ip reset c:\ esetlog.txt

Type exit, and then press ENTER.

To view help for a command, type a space and type ?. Additional help about the commands available in the netsh command subcontext is displayed. For example, to view the netsh command described in the previous section, type the following at the command prompt:

Type netsh ?, and then press ENTER.

Type netsh int ? and press ENTER.

Type netsh int ip ? and press ENTER.

Type netsh int ip reset ?, and then press ENTER.

NETSH INT IP RESET log file example

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