If your Windows PC has been used for a long time without reinstalling, you may encounter an application that does not work properly. This situation is likely to be incorrectly configured. Caused. For such problems, the first reaction of many users is to uninstall and reload. For most applications, uninstalling and reloading is really effective, and it generally solves the problem that the application caused by incorrect configuration does not work properly. However, for individual applications, even if the uninstallation is not complete, even reloading will cause problems.
Of course, for some large, professional applications, unloading and reloading is very time consuming. Applications like the Adobe series and MATLAB are unloading and can still be quite troublesome.
Speaking of this, experienced Windows Troubleshooting engineers will definitely think that the application is not working properly, not necessarily the application itself or Windows, we usually create a new Windows account for testing. If the new account can be used normally, in most cases it can be judged that the configuration file written by the application is damaged.
To restore an application installed in Windows to its default settings without reinstalling the application, there are usually 2 common ways, so let's talk about it.
1. Using application built-in options
Apps developed by most well-known ISVs have similar "reset settings" options, and users can also open them if the application is still open. Restore it to its original default settings with its built-in options. For example, the "Settings" & mdash; "Advanced Settings" option in Google Chrome Browser
has the "Reset Settings" button.
Other well-known applications like Firefox, Photoshop, Thunderbird, etc. have options to reset the default configuration, but their location and name may be different, you can find it yourself.
2. Delete the application-related AppData folder
Note: This method is measurable when there is no way to do it. So make sure you have backed up your Windows before proceeding, so you can recover from "Unexpected".
In Windows, configuration files and other files for almost all large ISV development applications are stored in the AppData folder according to Microsoft best practices, so we can also remove the application directory from the AppData folder. Reach the purpose of resetting it to the default configuration.
1, use the Windows + R shortcut to open "Run" & mdash; Execute C:\\Users\\\\AppData to open the AppData directory.
Be careful to replace it with your real username.
2. In the AppData folder, we only need to pay attention to the Local and Roaming directories, which correspond to local configuration files and roaming configuration files. Modern applications are compatible with Microsoft's domain environment, and most application configuration files are written to the Roaming roaming configuration folder. Simply find the folder associated with the application you want to reset in the Roaming folder and delete it.
3, while the Local local profile in AppData is only used to store non-roamable files (such as caches) for specific users and applications. Obviously, some applications will also write to the configuration in the Local folder, so you also need to check the Local directory for the purpose of the application and delete it.
4. For some older applications that are not in accordance with Microsoft best practices, it is likely that their settings will be stored in the ProgramData folder in the root directory of the C drive. So everyone should also open C:\\ProgramData to see if there is a corresponding configuration file to write.
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