User Account Security Control Settings: Windows 7 System Security Settings


In the Windows
7 system, user account control (UAC) generates less interference and is more flexible if the user turns off (UAC) malware and spyware in the unlicensed In case of installation or change to computer
, the user must enable this feature.

Operation steps

1, click on the “Start” menu to open the “Control Panel”.

2, click on “View your computer status" in “Control Panel”.

3, then in the "Operation Center" and expand "Safe (S)".

4. Drag the slider down to “User Account Control"""" Select your UAC level”.

5, the default is “Close & rdquo; Status!

6, we drag the slider to “ default - only notify me when the program tries to make changes to my computer, and then click the "OK" button.

7, then <;Restart this computer” will take effect!

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