The system's CMD command is equivalent to the disk operating system built into the graphics operating system. You only need to type one line of code to start the corresponding function, even if you don't need the command operation, usually Computer
There is a problem with the system. You need to know the status of the system and start a function. If you don't know where to open it, you can use the CMD command to help you. Here are some common CMD instructions.
regedt32–Registry Editor
charmap–Character Mapping Table
autofmt.exe — Formatting Process< Br>
append.exe — Allows the program to open the data in the development directory
chkntfs.exe — Disk Tester
autochk.exe — Detect Repair File System
gpedit.msc——Group Policy
charmap.exe — Character Map
atmadm.exe — Call Manager Statistics
sndrec32—— Recorder
secpol.msc –Local Security Settings
explorer——Open Resource Manager
logoff–Logout Command
Msconfig.exe–System Configuration Utility
regsvr32 /u *.dll– Stop dll file run
progman– Program Manager
tsshutdn– 60 second countdown shutdown command
Lusrmgr.msc– native users and groups
services.msc–local service settings
dxdiag–check DirectX information
oobe/msoobe /a–check if XP is activated< Br>
notepad–open This
cleanmgr– garbage sorting
chgusr.exe — changing users (terminal services)
net start messenger—-starting messenger services
chgport. Exe — change port (terminal service)
net stop messenger–stop messenger service
eventvwr.msc &ndash Event Viewer
netmeeting dvdplay–DVD Player
acsetups.exe — acs setup dcom server executable
diskmgmt.msc–Disk Management Utility
calc–Start Calculator
dfrg.msc–Disk Defragmenter
chkdsk.exeChkdsk–Disk Check
cipher.exe — Display or Change on ntfs Encrypted files or directories
devmgmt.msc– Device Manager
cacls.exe — Display and Edit acl
drwtsn32–System Doctor
rononce -p – 15 seconds off
winchat–XP comes with LAN chat
sfc /scannow–scan error and restore
rsop.msc–group policy result set
mem.exe– inside the display Storage Usage
perfmon.msc–Computer Performance Monitoring Program
winmsd–System Information
winver–Check Windows Version
winipcfg–IP Configuration
fsmgmt.msc –shared folder
chkdsk.exe — disk detection program
osk –screen keyboard
install.asp–edit registration page
Nslookup——IP Address Detector
accwiz.exe — Accessibility Tool Wizard
actmovie.exe — Direct Display Installation Tool
Arp.exe — Display and change the hardware IP address of the computer
taskmgr–Task Manager(2000/xp/2003)
attrib.exe — Display and change file and folder properties
netstat -an–View Port
bootok.exe — boot acceptance application for registry
cdplayer.exe — Launch cd Player
autoconv .exe — Automatically convert system during startup
bootvrfy.exe — Notification started successfully
calc.exe — Calculator
change.exe — Terminal Server related queries
chglogon.exe — Start or disable session logging
autolfn.exe — Use long filename format
cidaemon.exe — Composition ci document service
These commands can be used to enter the cmd command cmd command operation in the run menu list of the windows system.
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