The win7 system is beautiful, but it is still not satisfactory in some aspects. Recently, many people complain that win7 displays network
delay when playing online games. This may not be done well by xp. We can set it by the following method.
1. We press the shortcut key win+r and enter regedit in the run. Open your registry.
2. Locate: CurrentControlSet/Services/Audiosrv, find dependonsevice in audiosrv, and double-click it.
3. Delete mmcss. This service is to allocate the cup, your online game will increase the cpu's share. Click OK.
4. Click Start —— to restart.
5. After restarting the computer
, I click on Start —— right click on Computer
and select Manage.
6. Select the service and application, select the service, and find the multimedia class scheduler in the service.
7. Right click on the multimedia class scheduler and select Stop.
8. Right click on the multimedia class scheduler and select Properties.
9. In the General column, select the startup type as disabled.
10. Click OK to complete the setup and your online game speed will be improved.
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