Win10 how to manage the administrator account

Like Win7/Win8.1, Win10 administrator account Administrator is hidden and closed by default, because the account permissions are extremely high, there is a great risk after being used by criminals. However, if you want to use the account in certain special circumstances, you need to manually turn it on, and it is best to close it in time after use.
The method is very simple, as follows:
1, enter CMD in the Cortana search bar, and “ run as administrators 

2, enter the following command at the command prompt and then back Car:
net user administrator /active:yes

3, the administrator account is now open, click on the user avatar in the start menu to see the switch options

4, click Administrator After that, you will switch to the login screen. At this point, click Login.

5, enter the account for the first time, also need to wait for the application settings

After entering the desktop, you can work under the highest authority. UAC will not open, but the Windows
application will not run at this time. After completing the necessary work, please log out of the account login in time, and close the Administrator account again after returning to the normal account. The specific method is as follows:
1, run the command prompt again as an administrator
2, enter the following command and press Enter:
net user administrator /active:no

At this time administrator The account is closed. To turn it on again, repeat the above process.

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