win10 full screen screenshot when the black screen how to do? Win10 full screen screenshot for the black screen computer
installed is Windows
10 -14332 version of the system, when a full-screen screenshot is taken today, there is a black screen phenomenon. How to solve the problem of black screen phenomenon when Windows
10 system full screen screenshot?
Method 1: Modify the registry value to solve the problem of black screen when Windows 10 system full screen screenshot.
Registry path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\\\SYSTEM\\\\CurrentControlSet\\\\Control\\\\GraphicsDrivers\\\\DCI
1. Right click on [Start] in the lower left corner of the system desktop and click on the Start menu. [Run];
2. Enter the regedit command in the open dialog box, click [OK] or [Enter];
3. After clicking OK or Enter, it may pop up. A user account control dialog box, click: OK, open the Registry Editor;
4, in the open Registry Editor window, expand: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\\\SYSTEM\\\\CurrentControlSet\\\\Control; Br>
5. Expand GraphicsDrivers in the expansion item of Control, find DCI in the expansion item of GraphicsDrivers, and left click on DCI;
6. Double-click in the right window corresponding to DCI. :Timeout (timeout), in the open edit DWORD (32-bit) value window, we change the value data of Timeout from “7” to “0”, then click: OK;
7, back Go to the Registry Editor window and you can see: Tim Eout REG_DWORD 0x00000000(0), click [File] in the upper left corner of the window, and click [Exit] in the drop-down menu to exit the Registry Editor.
Method 2: Create a Timeout registry file into the registry.
1. Copy the following content into Notepad:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\\\SYSTEM\\\\CurrentControlSet\\\\Control\\\\GraphicsDrivers\\ \\DCI]
9. Click on [File] in the upper left corner of the Notepad window and click on the drop-down menu: Save As;
10, in the Save As window, click [Desktop], enter in the file name (N) field: screenshot black screen. reg, then click: save;
11, after we click save, on the system desktop A [screenshot black screen.reg] registry file icon will be displayed, left click on the screenshot black screen. reg icon, a registry editor prompt dialog box will pop up: adding information may inadvertently change or delete the value and cause the component to continue normal work. If you don't trust the source of this information in C:\\\\Users\\\\gong\\\\Desktop\\\\ screenshot black screen.reg, please don't add it to the registry. Are you sure you want to continue? Click: Yes (Y);
12. After clicking [Yes], the value data of Timeout in the registry is changed from “7” to “0”.
After the above settings, Windows10 system will not be black screen when full-screen screenshots, download the small series to provide this tutorial
for friends to refer to.
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