Win8 game tips XAPOFX1


Since Microsoft introduced win8 to the market, it has been warmly welcomed and supported by users. As a result, many win7 users have also chosen the new system win8, because it improves the user experience, performance, basic drivers and new features, win8 is still questionable in terms of compatibility, although it supports most games, many of them There is a way to solve the game that needs to be set up to run. Now let's talk about the solution to the missing game XAPOFX1_1.dll in Win8.

The solution is as follows:

1, causing XAPOFX1_1.dll, we can download XAPOFX1_1.dll online, and then put it in C:\\Windows
\\System32 folder under. This method sometimes does not apply to all computers
. If you can't solve it, look at the following method.

2, install the latest Microsoft DirectX, in the latest operating system
, generally do not bring the files in the old version of DirectX, so this will happen. If you have a similar problem, you can try this method.

At this point Win8 game play tips XAPOFX1_1.dll missing solution will be taught to everyone, although the old game often can not be win8 compatible, in general, in terms of game performance win7 and win8 still can not On the same page, if you are using the XP system to run the game, or decisive XP system upgrade win8 system, if you encounter problems, pay more attention to Windows8 tutorial
, the problem can always be solved.

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