UAC“User Account Control: User Account Control": Originally named User Account Protect, Microsoft introduced new features in Windows
Vista for Windows
7 Technology, which requires all users to run programs and tasks in standard account mode, prevent unauthenticated program installations, and prevent or prompt standard users to make inappropriate system settings changes.
How to turn off UAC under Windows 7:
1, open the system and security in the control panel.
2, click on the management tool.
3. Click on System Configuration.
4. After popping up the system configuration window, click the Tools tab, select “Change UAC Configuration", click Start in the lower right corner.
5. After popping up the window, pull the slider to set it.
A simple way to enter commands directly:
6. Enter msconfig in the run and the system configuration window will appear directly.
7, directly enter C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\UserAccountControlSettings.exe in the run, you can directly pop up the UAC settings window.
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