The Server Core installation option in Server 2008 has not changed much, but it can be changed and run with Windows
mode with limited role server delivery. Although Microsoft has made great efforts in plug-and-play and end-user experience, there are still some practical tips that make Server Core's daily work more convenient and error-free.
Here are five recommended tips for using Server Core:
First, use “non-blindingly” large screen resolution.
When you first install Server Core, the installation process will probe your video card to determine which resolutions are supported. Sometimes due to incompatibility problems or some kind of short-term error, the detection fails, then your 19-inch screen monitor becomes a screen resolution of 640*480.
Fortunately, you can use Quick Registration Editor to activate another specific solution. To do this, use REGEDIT and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Video. Check the GUID list to see which one matches your video card. It may take a lot of experimentation to find the right one. Under the GUID, create or modify the following key:
The following is a code snippet:
\\0000 \\DefaultSettings.YResolution.
Use the appropriate solution value for each axis.
Note that if this registration editor does not work, you will need to go back to the registry to change to a different supported solution, or reinstall it all.
Second, change the default prompt.
You may find that 17 command prompts are open on your own management console, all of which belong to different servers. There is a quick method to help you distinguish.
Open REGEDIT and go to HKLM\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment. Then create a value called "Prompt", the data type is REG_EXPAND_SZ, and enter the following key-value data:
The following is the code snippet:
$_Server:[%servername% ]$_Username:[%username%]$_$T$_$p$g
Thanks to Microsoft's Arlindo Ralves for providing such a useful and simple prompt. There are some other variables in his blog that can be used for future custom variables.
Third, get rid of activation troubles.
You can activate Server Core from the command line using the active VB script file in Windows Vista and the fully installed version of Windows Server 2008: cscript.vbs. The –ato converter completes activation. You can use CSCRIPT.EXE to call the script in the following way.
The following is a code snippet:
Cscript slmgr.vbs –ato
Fourth, solve the annoying remote management connection problem.
Nothing is more annoying than using remote management to install a role or software remotely on the machine. It is usually necessary to go to the office to find the problem and make sure the machine is still responding. The following commands can help solve this problem quickly:
· remove the firewall netsh advfirewall set currentprofile settings remotemanagement enable
· activate the Windows Management Description (WMI) signal netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group =windows management instrumentation (wmi) new enable=yes
·Enable Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) protocol cscript SCregedit.wsf /AR 0
5. User Account Control (UAC) is disabled.
User Account Control cannot be used with Server Core in Windows 2008 because you need to enable the Windows Explorer shell to use the “Run as administrator" option which is not possible in Server Core. That is, if you install software or run scripts on a Server Core machine that controls UAC's chaotic registry, it can be painful when you see Access Denied information, timeouts, and other errors.
The easiest way to avoid this problem is to disable UAC. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\ Policies\\System and set the EnableLUA value to 0. All you need to do is reboot the system. It is.
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