Win7 hosts file corruption is maliciously tampering how to do win7 system hosts file repair method


Hosts is a system file without extension, can be opened with a tool such as Notepad, its role is to some common URL domain name and its corresponding IP The address establishes an association "database"; when the user enters a URL that needs to be logged in in the browser, the system will first automatically find the corresponding IP address from the Hosts file. Once found, the system will immediately open the corresponding webpage, if not If found, the system will submit the URL to the DNS domain name resolution server for IP address resolution. When the user enters a URL, the system will look for the corresponding IP address from the hosts file, and then the browser can open the web page. What should I do if I encounter a damaged host file or have been tampered with? Please take a look at the methods for repairing the hosts file.

1, first we need to find the hosts file, which is located in the c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc item.

2, you can directly press the combination key win+r to open the run, type c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc and press Enter to find it.

3. After finding the hosts file, copy it to the desktop and open it with Notepad.

4. Delete the entire contents of Notepad, copy the following to a file and save it:

# Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.## This is a sample HOSTS file Used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.## This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host Name.# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one# space.## Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual# lines or following the machine name by d ' a' symbol. ## For example:## # source server# # x client host

# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.# 127.0. 0.1 localhost# ::1 localhost

5, then put the modified hosts file into c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc to replace the previous hosts file, you can complete the repair.

The above is a small series of win7 system hosts file repair method introduced to everyone, I hope to help everyone, if you have any questions, please leave a message, Xiaobian will be timely Reply to everyone. Thank you very much for your support of this website!

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