Win8 system to open /close inprivate method


Everyone has privacy that they don't want to be known to others, but it's always inevitable when we browse the web on a computer. At this time, we need to open the InPrivate function, which can avoid privacy leaks, and many people may not know about this feature. But it does not matter, the following small series will bring you Win8 system to open /close inprivate method, let's take a look.

Method Steps:

1. Open Internet Explorer and click on Gears, Security, and InPrivate.

2. InPrivate browsing can be done in the open window. Simply enter the URL and press Enter to browse the web under InPrivate protection.

3. Click the New tab, and the tab that opens in this window will also display the InPrivate flag, which will also be under InPrivate security.

You can also use the shortcut to open the InPrivate window

1. Right-click the IE shortcut icon and select Properties.

2. Add “ private” at the end of the target position (without quotes and a space before private), click OK.

3. Double-click this shortcut to open the browser window under InPrivate Protection.

Turning off InPrivate

InPrivate protection mode is effective for using the "InPrivate browsing function" window. If you want to turn off InPrivate protection, just close the web window.

With the above methods, you no longer have to worry about browsing the web and causing privacy leaks. The above is the Win8 system to open/close inprivate method, I hope to help everyone, please pay attention to this website for more content!

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