Win8.1 system desktop speaker icon is missing the solution


Win8.1 system desktop speaker icon is missing how to recover? Recently, some users have responded that the win8.1 64-bit system desktop speaker icon is missing. The win8.1 system installs the sound card driver, but the desktop does not see the speaker icon. Win8.1 Whether it is connected to the headset or access to the audio, there is no sound released, the user can easily adjust the full volume through the speaker icon. The following small series will bring you the solution of the win8.1 system desktop speaker icon missing, let's take a look.


1. Right-click on the taskbar and click on the Properties submenu in the pop-up context menu;

2. The task pops up In the column and start menu properties dialog box, click the custom button in the notification area column;

3. The notification area icon window pops up, and there is a list of icons in the middle of the window. We can choose the display or application or system icon according to our needs;

4. If the above process does not solve the problem, then open the computer and locate the Windows\\System32 of the system partition. In the \\ directory, enter sndvol.exe at the top to see if there is a correct search result in the drop-down list.

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