What should I do if the cpu usage rate of the win10 system is too high? In a computer, cpu is the core part. Recently, users of win10 system have responded to the problem of high cpu usage. Today, we use the win10 system cpu usage rate is too high, reaching 70% as an example. The following small series will bring you To solve the problem, let's take a look!
specific steps:
1, Win + R input after services.msc, into the list of services found superfetch this service, it stops out manually.
2, right-click this computer, select Properties - System Advanced Settings - Performance Settings - Advanced, and see if the current virtual memory is turned on.
3, if set to automatic allocation, you can try to cancel the automatic allocation, manually set the maximum value, generally can be set to 1.5-2 times the physical memory, and then look at the CPU occupancy.
Setting virtual memory and shutting down some services should reduce the CPU usage of the Win10 system. Under normal circumstances, the CPU usage of Win10 system will not exceed 20%~30%, and the CPU usage will reach 70%. It should be handled by the above method.
The above is the solution for the win10 system cpu usage rate of the win10 system is too high to reach 70%, I hope to help everyone, please pay attention to this website for more content!
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