Win10 Redstone update frequency is not too late to launch new features

update speed improvement may be a good thing, and new features still look at the practicality. Sometimes I feel that Windows is too much in terms of certain features. Windows 10 Redstone major updates are progressing rapidly, both desktop and mobile have entered the development stage, and from the new features that are being exposed, this update is quite worth looking forward to, will definitely raise Windows 10 to a new height, attract more people upgrade. However, according to the latest report, some people familiar with the matter said that many of Redstone's original plans will not be implemented on time, because Microsoft has decided to change the compilation and release strategy.
In fact, during the development of Windows 10, Microsoft continuously pushed the initial version to the user through the Windows Insider internal measurement channel, obtained feedback, accelerated, and achieved good results. Next, Microsoft will increase the push frequency of the beta version. The principle is small step running and fast iteration, but in this way, many new features will not be implemented in Redstone in the future. In fact, this is the main reason why the two public versions that have been pushed so far have changed very little. Microsoft has not yet fully determined which new features are temporarily postponed, and is reordering the original plan. If you are particularly looking forward to Redstone's new features, you may be disappointed. Of course, these new features will not be completely canceled, but will be postponed to further upgrades in the future, which means that Microsoft will implement the Windows as a service strategy and keep updating Windows 10 throughout its lifecycle.
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