Windows10 simple restore point creation method Windows10 restore point how to create


Although, now Win10 system has system recovery and reset functions, but many users are more willing to choose a more complete system restore. So how do we create a win10 restore point? In fact, before Xiaobian, I shared with you the method of creating restore points in Win10 system. Now Xiaobian will introduce a relatively simple method of creating restore points. It can be said that “One-click creation” is based on the principle of creating Windows shortcuts.

The specific method is as follows:

1, right click on the desktop, select New → Shortcut.

2. Enter (copy and paste) the following command, click Next (above):
Copy the code
The code is as follows: cmd.exe /k " Wmic.exe /Namespace:\\\ oot\\default Path SystemRestore Call CreateRestorePoint "%DATE%", 100, 7"

3, Name the shortcut (anytime), as shown below:

4. When finished, right click on the shortcut icon and select “Properties”.

5. Click on “Advanced...” in the "Shortcut" tab, check “Run as administrator", click “OK” Complete (pictured above).

Double-clicking on this shortcut will automatically create a restore point, which will take a while to complete. Of course, this method is only for restore point creation. If you want to use and manage the system restore function, in addition to operating in the system properties, you can also do it in the setting master of the soft media cube (click to download), which is more simple and convenient. .

Windows10 system one-click to create a restore point method is introduced here, interested friends, may wish to follow the above-mentioned small series of methods to see, I believe there will be different surprises!

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