Many friends have certain difficulties in inputting special symbols on the computer, and some special symbols are also difficult to find. Such as: ®, ⋚, 正, 卍, 囍, ♀, ♂, © and so on. In the input method, there are generally special symbol libraries, such as Baidu input method, universal Wubi input method, Sogou Pinyin input method, etc., as long as we find the special symbol library in the input method, we can smoothly input special on the computer. symbol. The following describes the input methods of the three input method special symbols for your friends' reference.
One, universal five-stroke input method special symbol input method:
1, switch input method to Chinese (Simplified, China) universal five-stroke input method, click on the universal five-stroke input method icon Settings] icon;
2, in the setup menu, you can see 14 items such as [Setting Properties], [Input Method Management], [Toolbox], and we click the [Toolbox] icon. ;
3. In the open toolbox window, you can also see 12 items such as [symbol library], [emoji], [character], etc., we click [symbol library]; Br>
4. After clicking the symbol library, you can see the special symbol. Click on the special symbol to enter the special symbol you want. Such as ®, ▲, ▶, ◀, etc., you can also click on the next page, enter special symbols, such as: Ω, 囍, 卍, 卐, etc;
5, in the symbol Click on the “>” symbol in the library to find [Digital Serial Number], [Digital/Unit], [Punctuation], [Greek/Latin], [Pinyin Phonetic], [Chinese Character], [English Phonetic], [ Japanese hiragana], [Japanese katakana], [Russian characters] and [tabs], etc.;
Second, Baidu input method special symbol input method:
1. Switch input method to Chinese (Simplified, Chinese) Baidu input method, click [Toolbox] icon in Baidu input method icon;
2, in the open toolbox window, you can see There are 12 items such as [Symbol Daquan], [Handwriting Input], [Screenshot Tool], etc., we click [Symbol Daquan];
3, after clicking the symbol, you will open Baidu input method - Symbol full window, here we find the special symbol, click on the required symbol, you can enter, such as: male, female, &oplu s;,■,▲,▼,♀,♂, etc.;
4, use the left mouse button to hold down the small slider on the right side of the window, and [punctuation], [Digital symbols], [Digital/Unit], [Pinyin phonetic], [Front/Chinese], [English phonetic symbols], [Greek/Russian/Latin], [Japanese characters] and [tabs].
Three, Sogou Pinyin input method special symbol input method:
1, switch input method to Chinese (Simplified, Chinese) Sogou Pinyin input method, in the Sogou Pinyin input method icon Click [Sogou Toolbox] icon;
2, in the opened Sogou Toolbox window, you can see 15 items such as [Symbol Daquan], [Picture Emoticon], [Handwriting Input], We click on [Symbol Daquan];
3. In the Sogou Symbol Daquan window, we can see on the left side of the window: [Special Symbol], [Punctuation], [Digital Serial Number], [ Numbers/units], [Greek/Latin], [Pinyin Phonetic], [Chinese characters], [English phonetic symbols], [Japanese characters], [Korean characters], [Russian letters] and [tabs], etc.;
In the right side of the special symbol, click on the special symbol you want to enter. Such as: ▓, ☆, & para;, ◤, ◥, ⋌ and so on.
4, we can click on the punctuation mark on the left side of the window, and click on the desired punctuation mark in the right side of the punctuation window to enter. Such as: ', 〗 〖, [], & iquest;, "" and so on.
The above is the method of inputting special symbols by Baidu input method, universal five-stroke input method and Sogou Pinyin input method. As can be seen from the above method, as long as the toolbox - symbol library (symbol library) in the input method is found, special symbols can be found, and it is easy to input special symbols. If it is another input method, we can also follow this line of thinking to find special symbols.
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