KAVBootC.sys is one of the driver files of Kingsoft Internet Security. bootclean, the machine installed Kingsoft Internet Security antivirus software has this driver. Analysis of the cause:
Analysis of the driver kavbootc.sys, through the query to know that it is a driver-level file of Kingsoft Internet Security, I believe that the damage caused the system can not start, because this driver is not a must-have file for Win7 startup, in fact We can solve the problem of not being able to boot by simply deleting it.
What harm does the system kavbootc.sys error bring? The system file kavbootc.sys has an error caused by a Trojan virus or accidentally downloaded rogue software. The file is a prerequisite for the normal operation of the system/program, so once it is unfortunately infected, it usually comes with the following situations: 1. The desktop icon cannot be deleted (Taobao, mini-games, movies, etc., restart can not be deleted normally) 2, online games can not open (DNF, cross the fire line, World of Warcraft, etc.) 3, the computer has no reason blue screen, 4, the computer has no sound, 5, the desktop can not be displayed. 6, the home page was modified to URL navigation
1, need to use the system maintenance CD or U disk boot disk, you can first make a normal computer A U disk boot disk;
2, then boot from the U disk boot disk, enter Winpe, find C:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\kavbootc.sys delete.
Win7 startup prompt kavbootc.sys lost solution is introduced here, if the system has a backup user can also restore the system to solve the problem.
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