Japanese Win10 Mother officially named Chuang Dao 17-year-old cross Meng girl (Figure)


starting from Windows 7, the Japanese animation house groups in wide has been Microsoft's official recognition for the popular OS Meng Mother of, and launched a think corresponding Windows maiden role. Earlier, Japan's public image of Microsoft Windows 10 mother, on the network for its new name. Now officials have announced the naming Windows 10 mother, and simultaneously launched DSP version of Windows 10 (includes corresponding theme, hardware, etc.).

It is reported that, Windows 10 Mother called & ldquo; Chuang vicinities u-ko & rdquo;, & ldquo; Chuang vicinities & rdquo; with a window, the window means (corresponding to the Microsoft & ldquo; window & rdquo;), continues the Win7, Win8 Mother family name; and & ldquo; u-ko & rdquo; the reading of & ldquo; Tō ko & rdquo; and Japanese & ldquo; Windows10 & rdquo; pronunciation & ldquo; tenko & rdquo; approaching, which means & ldquo; Fujiko & rdquo ;, even up as & ldquo; window Fujiko & rdquo ; Previously, the name of Win8 mother was “love by the window” (窓辺あい) and “window edge” (窓辺ゆう).

According to the official information released by Microsoft, Win10 Niang set the role to be a 17-year-old girl who has a complete appearance after 100 years. The seiyuu is wild blue, has rich technical knowledge, is willing to help others, and is interested in online games. He is currently working as a new-time part-time job at the Akihabara Chamber of Commerce.

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