How to check if Win8.1 system has been upgraded to Updata version


Win8.1 system has been updated to Updata3, but some users have not upgraded. There are still some users who don't know if they have upgraded to the Updata version. This article will teach you to easily check if your Win8.1 system has been upgraded to the Updata version.

In fact, the method of distinguishing is very simple, because Win8.1 has changed several places after upgrading to updata, for example, the power button is added to the start screen, which is also the most differentiated between win8.1 and win8.1Updata. The simple method is as follows:

Win8.1 start screen icon:

Win8.1Updata Start screen:

I believe it is simple Comparing the start screen, you can quickly distinguish it, and win8 Win8.1 better recognizes whether there is a difference between the start menu button and the biggest.

Check if your Win8.1 system has been upgraded to the Updata version, and you will not know if your Win8 version of the students will try it.

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