How to set the sleep button shortcut in Windows7 to quickly sleep


Every Win7 system user knows that there is a sleep function in the computer configuration, sometimes the computer will be in a state of no long-term use, this time you can generally use computer sleep Mode, this can protect the data security of the computer, and secondly, it can also save power. But maybe many people don't know how to set the sleep mode. How can I get my computer to go into sleep mode quickly? Here we have a small series to tell you about how to set the sleep mode shortcut on the Win7 system computer.

1. First, you need to return to the desktop location of the win7 Ultimate computer. After that, find a blank space on the desktop of the win7 Ultimate computer, click the right mouse button and select New-Shortcut.

2. In the pop-up window to create a shortcut, enter "lddll;rundll32.exe powrprof.dll, SetSuspendState Hibernate" in the project location, after that, click to go to the next step.

3. In the next window, the system will ask the user to name the shortcut created. Here is a shortcut to quickly go to sleep. You can name it according to your needs. For example, Xiaobian is directly named as fast sleep. After finishing, click the Finish button.

The above is a shortcut to how to set up Win7 sleep mode shared by everyone. Saving electricity is a must for everyone. For your computer security, please take action together. .

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