How to wingu local login?


Don't want people to use the highest privilege account? Unexpected distribution of permissions for creating a new guest account leads to an accident? Don't want to add a computer account and log in to the system? Then use the Guest account! However, in many cases, especially in the xp version, the guest account is disabled, not only that the account is not activated, but also that the terminal is restricted from logging in. So, how do you open the guest account correctly? This original experience will answer these questions for everyone.

1. There are many ways to activate the guest user on the computer side, only the two most commonly used ones. The first type is in "Computer" or "My Computer", right click, select "Manage" &

2, double-click "Local User and Group", and then double-click Under the "User" &

3, expand the following interface

4, you can see that the guest user is disabled, then double-click "guest" , the following interface pops up

5, the first step after opening the guest account as required is completed. Or take the command line, but it's best to make sure you have the system administrator's privileges. That is, in the upper left corner of cmd, you are prompted to be an administrator, or enter whoami to see if you are amdinistrator, as shown in Figure

6, enter net user guest /active:yes to activate the guest account, change The password is the net user guest new password

7, if you try to switch account login at this time, sorry, or not, why? Because the default security policy of the computer is to prohibit the guest terminal from logging in, what should I do? Nothing, type "ldped;gpedit" in the command prompt or the run box to open the following form

8, then turn on <; Computer Configuration - Windows Settings - Security Settings - Local Policies - User Rights Assignment & rdquo Open the form to the state shown below.

9, find these items respectively, "Reject local login" and "Allow local login", delete the rejected guest item. As shown in the figure

10, find the local login allowed, add the guest into it, be careful, you can manually enter the guest, but be sure to point to the "check the name" to form a complete name.

11. Now you can log in to the guest locally. Don't want the guest account to be enabled. You can reverse all operations. Of course, the command line for guest deactivation is net user guest /Active:no

Note: You don't need any software, so please make sure your computer is safe and reliable.

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