Win10 Enterprise Edition on the LTSB branch will not pre-install the Edge browser


Edge will become the new default browser for Windows 10, gaining unprecedented attention and promotion. IE11 is reserved for compatibility purposes only, but in fact, not every There will be an Edge on the Windows 10 computer.

The latest news confirmed by Microsoft shows that Windows 10 Enterprise on the LTSB branch will not pre-install Edge.

Microsoft is making Windows 10 a new service system and is divided into multiple branches for customer status and needs. LTSB (Long Term Service Branch) is dedicated to the enterprise version with a long support period. Up to 10 years, but only push security updates and hot fixes without adding any new features.

This applies primarily to those who perform mission-critical tasks or lock in a single task without any new features.

After the launch of Edge, Microsoft will continue to update it and add various new features, but for many enterprise applications that pursue stability and compatibility, this does not make sense, so Microsoft Simply don't push Edge to them.

As for the exclusion of other features from Windows 10 Enterprise Edition, it is not known at the moment, but some analysts have revealed that Morden applications are likely to be "castrated".

So if you like the stable enterprise version of Windows, think twice.

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