The latest Win10 10130 preview version supports multiple instances of the Modern App at the same time.


In the latest Windows 10 Build 10130 preview, there is a new feature worthy of attention, indicating a better user experience. That's the ability of the Modern App to run in multiple instances at the same time. Currently in this version, the calculator application is the only application that supports this feature, but according to an anonymous source familiar with Microsoft, this feature will soon support more applications, not only the first-party application, Microsoft is considering The open new API provides third-party applications with support for running multiple instances of a single application at the same time.

Microsoft is also considering offering a new API that allows Modern App to link deeper with other Modern apps. Of course, the developer can also restrict whether an application provides multi-instance operation. For example, Spotify stipulates that multi-instance operation violates the terms of the application, and the developer can control whether the feature is enabled.

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