How to close the application recommendation in the Win10 10114 start menu?


At the Build 2015 Developer Conference earlier this month, Microsoft showed a new feature called "Smart Suggestions" in the Windows 10 Start Menu, or we like to call "Application Suggestions" . & rdquo; In a nutshell, this is a small part of the file manager, settings, and power shortcuts. If you don't have an app installed for a while, an app suggestion will appear, based on your download and usage history. Otherwise, your recently installed app will appear in this area.

The user's direct response to this "function" is negative, including the argument: "This is very distracting." The ads belong to the store, not the start menu! ” and & ldquo; This is an advertisement. That's it. Over. Hope it can be turned off. “Fortunately, it’s obvious from the unreleased and undisclosed Windows 10 build 10114 that you can turn off smart suggestions. In the personalization category of the settings app, you can enable or disable smart suggestions (the first option in the image above). Although this option is currently unavailable in build 10114. Microsoft has added several start options for users who prefer to start with full screen, or the ability to customize the content of the start menu.

What do you think of this feature? Will you turn it on or off?

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