The easiest and easiest way to upgrade the latest version of Win10 100061 in history


Windows 10 Build 10061 technology preview has been released to Fast Ring users, but if you have installed the leaked version of Build 10056, then check Windows Update, you will find that there is no Build 10061, but only A build 10066 that is only available to internal Microsoft employees and outsiders.

The installation image of Build 10061 has also appeared, but it is an encrypted ESD format and cannot be installed. then what should we do? In fact, it is very simple, just need to modify the registry, improve the user permissions on the line. First press the Start button, enter “Regedit” and press Enter. Click OK in the pop-up UAC prompt box to open the Registry Editor. Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\WindowsSelfHost\\Applicability and modify the key values ​​of the following items: - BranchName is changed to fbl_impressive - ThresholdRiskLevel is changed to low - Ring is changed to WIF - (DWORD) ThresholdOptedin is changed to 00000001 - ThersholdInternal is changed to 0 It may already be the key value that should be, so don't worry about it. Then press Start again, type “cmd” and right click to select Run as administrator, open a command line window, and then enter the following command: - net stop wuauserv - net stop bits - net start bits - net start wuauserv then you can Go to Windows Update and check again. The first time it may fail, let you try again. If you still can't see Build 10061 after multiple retry, you can restart the computer and repeat a few net start commands. If it still doesn't work, then there is nothing wrong with it. You can only install the Build 10041 with a separate image and then update it from the Fast Ring channel.

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