How to set up windows7 automatic boot?


How to set up windows7 automatic shutdown? If the computer is set to automatically shut down, you can not turn off the computer when you get off work. When the time is up, it will automatically shut down, etc. How to set this up? The following small series will introduce you to everyone, let's take a look!


1, first go back to the desktop and find "Computer", right click and select Open “Manage”!

2, in the management window, click <; system tools & rdquo; lower triangle & mdash; & mdash; & ldquo; task planner & rdquo; lower triangle task program plan library, as shown below!

3. Right-click on the “Task Programs Library” and select “Create Basic Tasks” or “Create Basic Tasks” on the right side, as shown in the picture!

4. Open ” After creating the basic task <;, enter the name of the new task “ and "description", and then click Next!

5, in the pop-up "Toggles" window selection time, because every day is regular work, here choose weekly (depending on personal settings), and then click Next!

6. In the “Weekly” window, we need to set the start date, time, and corresponding cycle interval, then click Next!

7. Go to the next step, check the “Start Program” and click Next to enter the settings of the startup program!

8, in the "program or script", enter shutdown, & ldquo; add parameters & ldquo; enter -s -f -t 30, meaning that after the task is triggered, within 30 seconds Automatically shut down, then click Next and select Finish!

9, back to the management window, you can double-click the new task you set, you can click to modify!

This automatic shutdown is set up!

The above is the introduction of how to set up windows7 automatic boot, I hope to help everyone!

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