WinXP system explorer.exe error causes and solutions


Some WinXP users often experience Explorer.exe error after upgrading Windows XP SP2 system, and after determining, the computer turns blue screen. How to solve this problem? Today, Xiaobian will share with you the reasons for this problem and the corresponding solutions.

Explorer.exe error d several possible causes and solutions:

1. Insufficient system resources. If the machine configuration is low, it is recommended not to open too many applications at the same time. In addition, you can increase the virtual memory, especially playing large games. In this case, upgrading the machine is the most fundamental solution.

2. The system file is damaged. You can run sfc/scannow to scan system files. If the Explorer.exe program itself is damaged, you can copy an explorer.exe file from other machines to the machine, call the task manager, access the explorer.exe process, and then create a new task to copy the new file to the system disk WINNT (2000) Or under the WINDOWS (XP) directory.

3. Software conflicts, such as input methods. Tsinghua Unisplendour input method version 3.0 sometimes has an error of explorer.exe, cancel Tsinghua Unisplendour input method, input with other input methods will be no problem. The Tsinghua Unisplendour Input Method version 4.0 did not find a similar problem.

This is the reason for the Explorer.exe error in WinXP and its solution. Users who have encountered this problem come and see.

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